Yum Major Yum

Recipe: Turmeric Water

Hey Everyone!

Since turmeric is the featured spice of the week, I figured I would share one of my favorite ways of using turmeric: my recipe for turmeric water. I created this recipe to assist me in my goal of increasing my daily water intake. This water has a bold taste because it includes turmeric, fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks, and lemon juice. Please see recipe below!


– 20 cups of water

– 2 Tbsp of ground turmeric

– 6-8 quarter inch pieces of unpeeled fresh ginger

– 6-10 cinnamon sticks

-2 Tbsp of lemon juice


1. Bring water to a rapid boil over medium heat in stockpot.

2. Add ground turmeric, fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks, lemon juice to water and stir until evenly distributed throughout the water.

3. Let boil for 30-45 minutes while occasionally stirring.

4. Turn off heat and let water completely cool.

5. Drain water into a pitcher, using a colander to catch the cinnamon sticks and fresh ginger.

6. Discard the ginger and cinnamon sticks.

7. Put pitcher in refrigerator to chill the water.


1. Feel free to dilute the water as you are consuming it if the taste is too potent.

2. You may see the turmeric settle into the bottom of the pitcher as time progresses. Stir the water to evenly distribute the turmeric as needed.


  1. I’m going to try this. Boiling for 30 to 45 minutes seems long. I’ll let you know how we like it. Thanks

  2. I can see where this would add a punch to regular water. But with being allergic to ginger, not sure I could do it.

    1. I have never made this water without ginger, but I think it would still be tasty without it since the other ingredients are pretty flavorful in their own right!

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