Yum Major Yum

Spice of the week: Parsley

Parsley is an herb easily found in the grocery store in its fresh form or dried form. Parsley is part of the Apiaceae family and originates in the Mediterranean region. Parsley is used in a variety of cuisine and can be consumed raw or cooked. Although you may often see parsley used as a garnish, there are many opportunities to incorporate parsley into your cooking outside of being a garnish.

There are three types of parsley: Italian (flat leaf) parsley, curly parsley, and root parsley. Flat leaf and curly parsley are the two leafy parsleys that are found in the produce section of your grocery store. It is best to use these leafy parsleys when they are bright green and springy to the touch. Both add a fresh taste to your dishes whether they are used as a garnish or incorporated into dishes. Root parsley is less common in the United States and is used in a different manner than the leafy parsleys. Root parsley is a root vegetable that looks similar to a daikon radish or parsnip, and is usually used in braised dishes, soups, stews, and other one pot dishes.

Parsley is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, iron, Vitamin C, folate, and various antioxidants. Parsley is widely used in my home and incorporated into a lot of dishes, such as salads, salad dressings, soups, stews, as a garnish on fish and chicken, in a quesadilla, and in an omelet. I tend to use fresh parsley more often than dried parsley, but both are consistently used in my cooking. Do you use fresh parsley or dried parsley? What are some of your favorite ways of using parsley?

Flat leaf parsley
Curly parsley
Parsley root


  1. I just purchased a parsley plant today. I didn’t realize all the uses for it. I only thought it was for garnish.
    Many thanks

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