Yum Major Yum

Spice of the week: Star Anise

Hi everyone!

This week’s featured spice is star anise. Star anise comes from an evergreen tree (Illicium verum) that is native to China and Vietnam. When shopping for star anise, you may find it in its whole star shaped form or its ground form. If ground star anise cannot be found, you can grind whole star anise using a coffee or spice grinder. Take care not to mistake the star anise I mention with Japanese star anise (llicium anisatum), as it is poisonous to ingest. Japanese star anise is used as incense.

Although nutritional details of star anise are unknown at this time, we do know that star anise contains various bioactive compounds (chemicals found in plants and other foods that have actions in the body that may promote good health). Linalool and limonene, two bioactive compounds found in star anise, may act as a natural anti-depressant, anti-fungal agent, anti-bacterial agent, and anti-inflammatory agent. Anethole is another bioactive compound found in star anise with anti-inflammatory properties. Shikimic acid may help fight disease by enhancing immune function and restoring bacterial balance in the GI tract. Shikimic acid plays a vital role in the production of Tamiflu. Star anise contains other bioactive compounds that increases immunity function via various methods.

Star anise is used in a variety of dishes in both its whole and ground form. Whole star anise can be added to a meat dish, soup, or any dish that requires a long simmer time. Once the flavor incorporates itself into the dish, it is then discarded like a bay leaf. Star anise is often used in Vietnamese pho and Indian biryani. Star anise can also be steeped in tea or another hot beverage. Ground star anise is commonly used in baked goods and pickles.

I have not used star anise in my cooking outside of star anise being an ingredient in Chinese 5 spice powder and garam masala. All of the dishes I have used star anise in are Asian inspired soups or meat braised dishes. Have you ever used star anise before? What are your favorite dishes that contain star anise?


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