Yum Major Yum

Water: Our Lifeline

Hi Everyone,

Since we are in the middle of a nice, hot summer I thought we could discuss water. I am sure you have heard for as long as you can remember the importance of drinking water. You may have also heard a few recommendations of the type and amount of water you should drink. Although we all know that water is one of more healthful beverages for our body, water has some pretty stiff competition with all of the yummy juices, assorted sweetened beverages, hot beverages, etc. at our disposal. I admit that I am a fan of some of the aforementioned beverages, but I make it a daily goal to drink enough water. Let me share with you the value of water.

What health benefits come to mind when you think of water? Do you you think of escaping a dehydrated state? Maybe you consider having healthy glowing skin. Perhaps you feel more energetic after drinking a tall glass of water. While these are all great benefits, there are other benefits that are valuable as well. Water plays a vital role in acting as a lubricant and cushion for the joints, spinal cord, and the retina and lens of the eyes. Water also lubricates all bodily tissues that are moistened with mucus. Water maintains internal body temperature by producing sweat when the body is becoming too warm. As sweat evaporates, the skin and blood cools, decreasing the internal body temperature. Water acts as a cleansing agent in both the blood and urine. Water is involved in an intricate process where bodily waste products are carried via the bloodstream. The kidneys remove these waste products from the blood and combine them with water to produce urine. Water carries nutrients throughout the body and acts as a solvent for glucose, amino acids, minerals and other substances the body needs.

If you are like me, you grew up hearing that everyone should drink eight glasses of water a day. I also heard that I had to drink plain water and that water from another beverage or a food item did not count towards your daily water intake. Today we know that adequate water consumption is not created equal, and water intake from another beverage or food item does count towards your daily water intake. While eight classes of water a day might be sufficient for one person, other people may need less or more water a day. For example, a physically active person may need increased water intake compared to a sedentary person due to water that is lost during exercise. Sometimes environmental changes require you to consume more water, such as a humid day or altitude changes.

Have you ever had days where you feel hungry numerous times per day? If so, your body may be thirsty instead of hungry. Thirst may feel and sound similar to hunger pangs. If you feel hungry and do not think you should be hungry, try drinking a glass of water and waiting 20 minutes. If you are still not satisfied, you might be hungry after all.

So now you might be asking, “How much water should I consume daily?” My first recommendation is to consider what your doctor/medical professional says about your daily water intake. Your optimal daily water intake is tailored to you based on your medical history, exercise regimen, diet, etc. All of the aforementioned variables affect your body’s preferred water intake. I will share with you my process in ensuring adequate intake. I like to use the calculation of half of my weight in ounces for my daily water intake. Although 75 ounces of water per day is my daily goal, I take into account the variables of my day. Is it a work day or an off day? Is it an exercise day or rest day? If it is an exercise day, what type of exercise will I be doing? How many fruits, vegetables, and other water filled foods/beverages will I consume today? How much water did I consume yesterday? Am I consuming any foods or beverages that are naturally dehydrating (ex: salty foods, sodas, caffeinated drinks, alcohol)? I also carry my water bottle with me everywhere as a reminder to drink water. Lastly, I monitor the appearance of my urine throughout the day. Urine color is good indicator of your hydration status.

Do you know if you are consuming enough water? What are some other healthful benefits of water that I did not discuss in this entry? What are some ways that you ensure you are consuming enough water?

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