Yum Major Yum

Fall Season Feature: Pumpkin

Hello Everyone!

Fall is here! I am sure you have been recently inundated with all of the pumpkin flavored items that are available, such as pumpkin bread and pumpkin lattes. What comes to your mind when you think of pumpkin? Perhaps you think of that delicious pumpkin pie that you will consume throughout the holiday season. Maybe you think about the pumpkin latte or pumpkin chai that you will order from your favorite coffee shop. Often times pumpkin is thought of as a fall or Halloween decoration. Did you know that pumpkin is a delicious, nutritious fruit that can be consumed in a variety of ways? Allow me to drop a little knowledge about pumpkin below.

Pumpkin is part of the winter squash family and is native to Central America and southern North America. Pumpkin is thought to have existed as early at 7000 BC. Pumpkin is a low calorie food that has a good amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, potassium, and Vitamin C. Pumpkin contains other nutrients, such as iron, riboflavin, manganese, and phosphorus. Pumpkin seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients and contain an abundant amount of the minerals manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. Nutrients in pumpkin can improve eye health, heart health, skin health, and immunity.

Both the pumpkin flesh and pumpkin seeds can be consumed in a variety of ways. Pumpkin flesh can be mashed and prepared like mashed potatoes. Pumpkin is often incorporated into one pot meals, such as soups, stews, and casseroles. Pumpkin is also found in baked goods, such as pies, cookies, muffins, or pancakes. Pumpkin seeds are eaten raw or roasted and consumed in a plethora of ways as well. Seeds may be eaten alone or might be added as a topping on a salad or another dish. Seeds are also added to one pot meals to add texture.

Canned pumpkin is a nutritious alternative that is better suited for some pumpkin recipes. Be advised that canned pumpkin is not always 100 percent pumpkin. Because fresh pumpkin may have a stringy texture, canned pumpkin often contains other winter squashes as well. Canned pumpkin and canned pumpkin pie mix are two different products. Canned pumpkin pie mix is not as nutritious as canned pumpkin because there are added sugars and preservatives.

Some of my favorite ways to consume pumpkin include baked goods, soups, and seeds in my salad. What are some of your favorite ways to consume pumpkin?


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